Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Books on Film Series Kickoff: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

A small group of Lyons middle schoolers gathered for the inaugural screening in the library's new Books on Film series to watch Diary if a Wimpy Kid, a film based on a series of books by author Jeff Kinney recounting the trials and tribulations in the life a middle school student.

I was low-key in my marketing of the event so as to make this initial effort a kind of trial run. I ran out to our local fruit and grocery shop, Sergio's, to get soda, assorted fruit and few different types of cookies. There was enough for a larger crowd, but I was happy it was a manageable cluster of regular library users, which made for a less nervous Mr. Matthew this first time out.

Kudos to my Green School student assistant, K., who helped by signing students in at the door and making sure no one got too crazy. During much of the film, she sat quite far away from the screen, processing books, but watched the film peripherally. As she helped me tidy up after the film, her comments showed that she'd picked up everything. K. stayed to the bitter end. Thanks to K. and a good audience, the first in the series was a success.

- Posted remotely via mobile phone.

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