The film adaptation of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events was screened at this week's Books on Film series in the library and ended up with and audience of two for the first half. There had been some buzz about this one and I wondered why it was so sparsely attended. It turned out this was the night Lyons Middle School was holding basketball tryouts.
As the two audience mainstays got ready to leave, a group of boisterous boys came piling into the library. "None of us made the team," one of them announced to me before attacking the snack table I lay out for movie night. The group seemed more interested in loudly discussing what had happened at tryouts and simultaneously getting as many cookies into their mouths as possible than continue to watch the rest of the film. I said, "Hey guys, if anybody wants to borrow this one and watch it at home let me know, but it's a beautiful afternoon and you arrived late, so why not just go outside and blow off some steam?" The kids agreed and for the first time in the series, I stopped the screening early and quickly cleaned up the room. No hard feeling, no drama, we just decided to bail on this one.
The kids are asking for more action-based films and before leaving, a regular attendee suggested Dragon Ball Z Evolution. All the others agreed that this one would be a hit. Guess what'll be showing next week at the Books on Film series. Hey, manga are books, right? 741.5, right?
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